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Acupuncture Benefits during Pregnancy and Postpartum

During pregnancy and postpartum patients often request natural yet effective treatments to manage symptoms and optimize health. Acupuncture is at top of my list of drug-free approaches that can address the needs of these patients, and prevent the need for pharmaceuticals or other more invasive interventions. 

Acupuncture is part of the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which functions on the principle that the body's vital energy or qi (pronounced chi), flows along specific channels, called meridians. Balanced qi leads to health and an imbalance in qi leads to symptoms and disease. Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles over very specific points along these meridians to balance qi and improve blood flow; points are chosen based on a patient’s concerns and unique constitution. It is typically a relatively painless treatment, and can be very relaxing. 

Pregnancy and postpartum are very unique moments in a woman’s life. Hormones are ebbing and flowing, the body undergoes rapid physical changes — all of which change qi and blood flow, and may lead to symptoms  Acupuncture can assist in bringing the body back into balance and help a woman feel well during this transitional time.

Acupuncture has a multitude of benefits for new and expectant mothers; it can alleviate symptoms, prevent the need for medical intervention, promote overall health, and is a way for a woman to take a moment for herself. 

Here are the some of my top uses + benefits of acupuncture in pregnant and postpartum women: 

Aches and pains - acupuncture is very effective in pain management. Carpal tunnel, sciatica, low back and/or pelvic pain can all be addressed using acupuncture. When combined with other treatments acupuncture can be exceptionally effective, reducing the need for medication.

Breastfeeding - studies show an increase in milk supply with acupuncture in women struggling to breastfeed.

Digestive disturbance - heartburn and changes to bowel movements often occur during pregnancy, and acupuncture can be very helpful in managing these concerns naturally. During the postpartum window while hormones are rebalancing, the perineum and/or surgical incisions are healing, and abdominal organs are settling, acupuncture can help to regulate digestion. 

Headaches - headache frequency and severity can be reduced with acupuncture during pregnancy, which can reduce the need for medications and improve quality of life in patients.

Insomnia - sleep patterns can change dramatically during pregnancy and, of course, postpartum. Acupuncture can help improve quality of sleep which is integral in general, but especially during pregnancy, while breastfeeding and caring for an infant.

Mood and stress management - fluctuations to mood and stress can be very acute for women during these phases of life. Acupuncture can help to regulate mood.

Nausea and Vomiting - morning sickness is an incredibly common problem that can be alleviated with acupuncture. Studies are mixed, but some pregnant women can experience significant relief, especially when combined with other treatments.

Re-balancing hormones - the postpartum window can feel like a hormonal rollercoaster. Acupuncture is tailored to each individual woman’s needs and can help her in finding hormonal balance.

Bonus: breech presentation - moxibustion, a Traditional Chinese Medical tool involving burning a stick mugwort herb and applying the heat over certain acupuncture points, is clinically proven to assist in turning breech babies into optimal delivery position and can help reduce the need for C-section.

Overall, acupuncture is a great tool to alleviate certain concerns and improve quality of life in pregnancy and postpartum. It works exceptionally well when paired with dietary therapy and the correct supplement plan that is tailored to the unique needs of the mother. 

In the event that patients prefer to avoid needles, acupressure can be an effective tool to manage some of these concerns. Acupressure is another tool worth discussing with your healthcare provider, and can be performed at-home.

Something to consider before booking the first treatment is practitioner qualifications and cost of treatment. When performed by an experienced and licensed medical provider with extensive training (I recommend seeing a licensed Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor, Acupuncturist, or Naturopathic Doctor), acupuncture is very safe. Some midwives are also trained in acupuncture. As with any treatment speak to your doctor in advance to ensure it is the right fit for you. Prior to starting treatment, speak to your provider about number of treatments needed and, if you have extended healthcare coverage, contact your insurer regarding coverage.

It is important to remember that each woman and each pregnancy + postpartum period is unique. As with any treatment, pharmaceutical or natural, there will be a spectrum in response; in other words, some mothers may respond beautifully to acupuncture and others may see little or no change. 

As always, speak with your doctor before beginning treatment.


July 18, 2024
3 min
Dr., Melissa Cugliari, ND